La Casa Farnsworth lleva encandilando y escandalizando (demandas, inundaciones, etc.) durante varias generaciones a todo el planeta. De una rotunda sencillez, las líneas puras, los materiales, los colores, el entorno, toda ella es sencillamente preciosa...viendo las fotos parece que Mies la construyera ayer...¿o fue hace 60 años?
The Farnsworth House has been dazzling and shocking (demands, floods, etc.) for several generations across the globe. In a resounding simplicity, clean lines, materials, colors, environment, all of it is simply beautiful ... viewing the photos it appears that Mies built yesterday...Or was it 60 years ago?
The Farnsworth House has been dazzling and shocking (demands, floods, etc.) for several generations across the globe. In a resounding simplicity, clean lines, materials, colors, environment, all of it is simply beautiful ... viewing the photos it appears that Mies built yesterday...Or was it 60 years ago?
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